The role of a women in a society plays a major role as women as responsibility to look after is not supportive then she herself has to make certain decision. Her family; household chores, looking after husbands needs where she doesn’t have time to look after what she wants to do in her life. She doesn’t have any passion as such because of being restricted under certain social duties that are meant to be fulfilled by a woman in society.

A woman need confident first which she lack in a society. When people are restricted by certain laws and norms in a society; they are scared of her family life. In order to fulfill her passion she has to be confident in her passion then she can achieve anything in her life. If family the role of a women in a society plays a major role as women as responsibility to look after is not supportive then she herself has to make certain decisions. We are the owner of our own life so we are responsible for what we need, and what we don’t need accordingly we have to live our life. Our life should not be based on what others want us to do. As a woman we need to define ourselves in such a way that no one should look down on us. Even if people raise questions also then also we have to be strong enough to answer their questions, and should have a clear vision on what we need in a society.

Carving ones path is very necessary, as an individual we have to be independent in society. Dependent on each other makes people judge.  In life, a woman faces a lot of things; career choice, childbirth, relationship , she has to be a good daughter, listen to her parent’s wish. A women’s attitude should be that of her strong determination and courage. Create your own lifestyle. A woman’s lifestyle should be uniquely hers, not based on society.


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