In recent decades, there has been an increased focus on how women are portrayed in the media. This is due to the fact that women are often portrayed in a negative light as well as positive one.  And also due in part to the growing number of women in the workforce and in leadership positions. The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and it is important to ensure that women are represented fairly and accurately.

The way women are portrayed in the media has changed drastically over the years. In the early 1900s, women were shown as simple housewives who belonged in the kitchen. They were shown as submissive to their husbands and their main goal was to maintain a household. As time progressed, women began to be shown as more assertive and independent. They were no longer confined to the household and were now able to work outside of the home. However, even though their roles have changed, they are still objectified in the media. Women are commonly shown in ads and movies as nothing more than objects for men’s pleasure. They are rarely given strong leading roles.  Later it became changed. but not fully.

Female celebrities and the Media

One of the most common complaints among female celebrities is that the media is too focused.In my opinion,  As a female celebrity, it is not easy to please everyone while also managing to stay true to yourself. The media can be harsh, and the public can be even harsher. There are always going to be people who will criticize you no matter what you do, but it is important to remember that not everyone is going to agree with you all the time. It is important to have a thick skin and be able to take constructive criticism, but also know when to ignore the haters.


To conclude, it appears that women have actually been and also remain to be underrepresented in the media. It is essential for ladies to be stood for in the media to ensure that we can see an extra exact depiction of the globe around us. We require to see even more females ready for power in the media to ensure that girls can see that they also can accomplish their desires.


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