For today’s females, working, living, and everything in between is a balance to be steered at. From work, parents, education, erotic commitments, the lists go on and on. But balancing is possible with thoughtful planning and the practice of self-care.

Prioritize What Matters Most

Balance starts with knowing what you value. Which is more important work, family, health or passion? Make a list and rank them by importance. It helps you see clearly what is worth your time and effort, and allows you to give up doing stuff you’re not interested in.

Mastering Time Management

Time management is a habit all women that have multiple jobs need to develop. Get a planner, digital calendar or time-blocking app to schedule your day. Reduce tasks to smaller increments and deadlines. And never forget to make time for yourself and rest burnout doesn’t kill anybody.

The Art of Saying No

Women always want to “yes” to anything  be it extra work at work or attending events. But saying “no” is part of being on balance. It is not a dismissive attitude, it is a matter of boundaries and taking time.

Incorporate Self-Care into Your Routine

There’s no time for self-care, there’s no time. Make time every day to do what refreshes you, whether it’s a book, yoga, or having a cup of tea alone. Take care of yourself, you’ll be more like you appear to the world.

Leverage Support Systems

The good life gets more manageable when you have a strong support system. Rely on family, friends, or coworkers if you need something. From outsourced work to home chores, don’t feel that you have to go it alone.

Embrace Flexibility

Nothing ever happens the way you intend it to and there is no balance without being able to be flexible. Learn to take advantage of things when they’re not working out. A flexible mindset lets you push through the humps with grace and resilience to keep your ship in order without damaging your health.

Celebrate Your Wins

The little victories whether you finish a work project, or show up to your kid’s school play, or just have a break deserve to be celebrated. Be proud of yourself and the harmony you’re building.

It is a journey not a destination to work, play and everything in between. Women are able to live good lives, realize their dreams if they take the time, plan and love themselves.


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