Pregnancy is a time when your cravings take over your appetite. In case you are craving a lot of sweets, you could try having a lot of vegetables and fruits that will help satiate your sweet tooth. This is to avoid consuming any fattening and unhealthy sweet treats which contain no nutrition at all. One of the safest veggie option to consume during pregnancy is beetroots as this vegetable can also be made into desserts, juice and curries which is good for your health during pregnancy. In this article, we tell you about the nutritional benefits of beetroot and some delicious simple recipes that can be made using this vegetable.


Can You Eat Beetroot During Pregnancy?

You can definitely consume beetroot during pregnancy, although, in moderate quantity, say approximately up to two beetroots in a day. Beetroot as a vegetable has properties which help purify your blood and detox and revitalise your body. This vegetable can be eaten raw, cooked or as a juice also. If consumed in the right way, beetroot provides a lot of health benefits especially during pregnancy.


Health Benefits of Beetroot During Pregnancy

Here are some ways how beetroot is beneficial to your health during pregnancy;

  1. Lowers the risk of birth defects:

Beetroot is a rich source of folic acid. Folic acid is important for your foetus for the growth of its tissues and spinal cord development. Eating raw, sliced or juiced beetroot will help reduce the risk of birth anomalies in babies such as spina bifida.

  1. Boosts immunity:

During pregnancy, women tend to have lower immunity levels owing to hormone changes and to keep the immune level balanced, beetroot contains antioxidant properties which are important for stronger immunity to stay away from illness and infection.

  1. Prevents osteoporosis:

Beetroot contains a good amount of silica which helps the body to absorb calcium which helps prevent decalcification of bones and teeth. Since pregnant women are easily prone to osteoporosis, this vegetable helps reduce its risk.


  1. Regulates metabolism:

Consuming beetroot helps regulate and balance the electrolytes in the body and also controls the body’s metabolism as it is a rich source of potassium. Beetroots also help in maintaining blood pressure in pregnant women.

  1. Prevents joint pains and swelling:

The tiny amounts of betalain present in beetroots act as an anti-inflammatory agent which helps prevent swelling of legs and joint pains which are quite common during pregnancy.

  1. Natural blood purifier:

Beetroot acts as a natural blood purifier which in turn helps to prevent diseases and infections to the baby in the womb. Regular consumption of beetroot juice will help boost stamina and also help maintain blood pressure levels which results in an easy pregnancy.


  1. Prevents anaemia:

Beetroot helps boost the haemoglobin levels in our body as it is a rich source of iron. Consumption of beetroot during pregnancy will reduce the risk anaemia in pregnant women.

  1. Regulates blood sugars:

The low glycaemic index in beetroot helps to regulate blood sugar levels in women which is important during pregnancy. It makes it a go-to vegetable for women suffering from gestational diabetes.


  1. Supports foetal development:

Since beetroot is a rich in vitamins A and E, consuming beetroot juice regularly can help in good development of the foetus.

  1. Improves digestion:

Beetroot has a lot of fibre content and hence consuming beetroot during pregnancy helps in easy digestion and a healthy bowel movement because constipation can be a common issue during pregnancy.


Are There Any Side Effects of Eating Beetroot During Pregnancy?

Although there are multitude benefits of eating beetroot during pregnancy, some women may tend to have side effects. Do check with your doctor if it is safe for you to consume beetroots. Some side effects that may arise due to beetroot juice could be;

  • Vomiting, nausea, gastrointestinal problems and diarrhoea due to betaine content in beetroot
  • Nitrate content in beetroot may trigger fatigue
  • Chances of temporary paralysis of vocal cord
  • Kidney stones caused by the high oxalate content
  • Urine and stool may turn red due to a condition called beeturia


How to Eat Beetroot During Pregnancy?

Here are few simple recipes to eat beetroot during pregnancy;

  • Slice them up in juliennes and mix with other veggies of your choice to make a salad
  • Cut them in round slices and bake them in the oven for beetroot crisps
  • Boil the sliced beetroots and season it with salt and pepper
  • Juice beetroot along with apple and carrot for a healthy morning breakfast drink
  • Add grated beetroot to chapatti dough for delicious chapattis
  • Grate beetroot and mix nicely in boiling milk with ghee for a delicious sweet Halwa


There are various other ways you can include beetroot in your daily diet during pregnancy but make sure to consume it only in moderation. Do check with your doctor if you notice any of the side effects caused by beetroots. Do you know any more interesting beetroot recipes? Do share with us in the comments!


  1. Beetroot the red, ruby colour veggie is a storehouse of nutrients. There are amazing health benefits of beetroot. It is a good source of iron thus prevents anaemia, regulates sugar level in blood, supports our immune system, treats the swelling and pains associated with pregnancy. It also prevents indigestion, nourishes the foetus and prevents birth defects.

  2. . Nitrates, compounds in beetroot juice that convert into nitric acid in the blood and help widen and relax blood vessels, are thought to be the cause.

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