Fruits are a powerhouse of nutrients. They contain essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to keep you in the pink of health. Seasonal fruits can help you fight with common diseases and also boost metabolism. They come in such varied colors, tastes and textures, that everyone can easily choose a favorite among them. The ways of enjoying fruits also vary with the same degree. One can blend them in a smoothie, make a shake or just relish them whole.


While including fruits in your daily diet is extremely beneficial, it is also important to understand how and when to eat them to enjoy maximum benefits. Mastering the art of eating fruits at the right times can prove lead to optimum energy level, beautiful skin, healthy hair and can help maintain a normal weight.

There is popular believe that one should consume these super foods first thing in the morning when the stomach is empty. Many nutritionists claim that eating fruits with meals or just around the meals can cause bloating and take longer to digest. Eating fruits in the morning ensures that all the goodness is easily absorbed by the body and can kick start the digestive system.


Nutrients from fruits can help detoxify the digestive system and provide health benefits, there are certain cases where eating it on empty stomach should be avoided. It is advised that one should avoid too many citrus fruits in the morning if suffering from acidity or cold. Since fruits are quickly digested by the body in the morning, diabetic patients should not eat high-sugar fruits on empty stomach as they can spike the sugar levels in the body.

Meanwhile, other set of opinions around eating fruits claims that eating fruits empty stomach does not make much difference and is a complete myth. Fruits are such a nutritious food item that having them anytime of the day will lend you its benefits. Expert nutritionists claim that eating 3-4 servings of seasonal, organic fruits as a part of diet is important. One can choose to accommodate them any time of the day. They can be eaten as desserts, snacks, combined with breakfast- that is totally an individual preference. Eating fruits as a part of daily diet is more important than waiting to eat it on an empty stomach only. The fibres in fruits slow down your digestive system, which can make you feel full for longer thereby curing the hunger pangs throughout the day.

Consuming fruits on a daily basis can help one fight greying hair, dark circles, and common colds, balding and nervous outbursts. It also provides energy and reduces fatigue. Fruits are also known to help in aiding weight loss as they have high fiber content. For maximum benefit, eating whole fruits is considered better than drinking juices as they takes out the fiber content. So make a choice to include them in your diet anyhow and at anytime!


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