Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in any woman’s life. She realizes and cherishes her power to create a whole human being inside her. While mentally she is happy and excited, physically she would be exhausted. Growing and nourishing a whole human inside is not a joke!

Apart from the hormonal changes, the body undergoes physical changes too, to accommodate the growing baby and to prepare the body for birth. This is the time to take good care of oneself and ensure she not only gets all the nutrients required for both her and the baby, but she has to be physically fit too. One need not sit, relax and let go of physical fitness just because they are pregnant.


While exercising during pregnancy is perfectly normal, there are a few restrictions and limitations one has to follow. A pregnant woman can stay fit by:

  • Going for a half an hour to one hour walk every day. It can start slow and progress into a brisk walk, as long as she is comfortable. It is essential to listen to your body at this time and stop when required instead of pushing it on.
  • Mild stretches everyday is essential to keep the body flexible and supple. Letting your body get stiff during pregnancy may make the birth process difficult or painful. A professional has to be consulted to know what stretches can or cannot be done.
  • Mild exercises for both arms and legs can also be done on a daily basis as long as she is comfortable. Anytime she feels uncomfortable, she has to stop and give herself a break.
  • A pregnant woman can do mild abdominal exercises too, without straining too much or holding her breath for long. It is an assumption that the abdominal area should be kept safe and undisturbed for the safety of the baby. What many don’t realize is that the baby is well cushioned with the amniotic fluid and multiple layers of body tissues.

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