
All the parents want their kids to be supremely happy. But it is easy said than done. Here are a few secrets that will help you to raise kids that are truly happy and satisfied:

Communicate with them: Communicating well with the children and giving them undivided attention when they are talking to you, gives them a sense of unparalleled security and belonging. The more communicative and vocal the children are with their feelings, the happier they feel.

Self management routines: Teach the children to religiously practice self management routines and daily rituals so that they are instilled with a sense of security and pleasure. Family meals, bedtime and bath time routines help the kids to feel secure and also help in strengthening family ties, thus leading to greater productivity and thereby enhanced happiness quotient.

Physical activity: physical activities like sports, yoga or running not just keep children fit and healthy but also encourage release of endorphins that trigger feel-good feelings.

Be wary of over indulgence: Children who are regularly inundated with new toys or are over indulged grow into teenagers who are cynical, bored and joyless.  It is imperative that kids be taught to develop inner resources so that their happiness is not dependent on things.

Happy kid playing with toy airplane

Helping them handle frustrations: Success and failure are a part of life and children should be taught to handle failures at an early age.

Cultivate optimism and gratitude: Research has shown that people that practice gratitude on a regular basis are almost 25% happier than those who do not. Make the kids feel aware of what is good in their lives. Make them feel thankful to the God for all the little things that they take for granted. This will certainly lay a foundation for a happy life.

Be happy yourself: Last but not the least, the parents should themselves be happy in order to raise happy kids. Most often emotional problems in kids are reflected in emotional problems of children. Finding joy in little things, laughing more and acting weird sometimes goes long way in establishing a good relationship with the kids and turning them into happy adults.

Follow these rules and see your kids blossoming into happy and joyful individuals!



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